Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Reduce the risk of heart diseases:
Recent studies showed that including Almond in the diet may reduce the level of cholestrol in the human body. Most of the fats containing foods have saturated fats and cholesterol, which may induce the risk of heart diseases by increasing LDL cholesterol in the blood but in the case of nuts like almond have monounsaturated fats which reduce these risks. Monounsaturated fats along with phytosterol present in the almond reduce the LDL cholesterol and increases the HDL cholesterol in serum. Preliminary research associates consumption of almonds showed that, in spite of the high fat content of almonds, using them in the daily diet might lower several factors associated with heart disease, including cholesterol and blood pressure. Folic acid present in the almonds can lower the amino acid, homocysteine, which induce plaque in the arteries (Atherosclerosis). Almonds are rich in vitamins and minerals in which vitamin E help us to build up a healthy heart. Including Almond in the diet makes the heart healthy, controls the blood pressure, reduces the cardiovascular diseases, lowers the level of LDL cholesterol in blood serum, increases the level of HDL cholesterol in blood serum and also makes the blood healthy.
Maintain blood glucose level:
A study conducted by American Diabetes Association (ADA) reveals that by consuming an almond enriched diet may regulate blood insulin level and LDL cholesterol. Almonds provide double-barreled protection against diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Lessening after-meal surges in blood sugar helps protect against diabetes and cardiovascular disease, most likely by lessening the increase in cholesterol-damaging free radicals that accompanies large elevations in blood sugar. This is one reason why low- glycemic index diets result in lower risk of diabetes and heart disease. There for Almond is one of the best food, which is to be included in diet of diabetic patient.
Anemic condition:
Almonds contain copper in its organic form at the rate of 1.15 gm per 100 g. Copper, iron, phosphorus and vitamin B exert a synergic action that is increase energy due to chemical interaction and help the formation of new blood cells and hemoglobin. Here copper along with iron and other vitamins act as a catalyst for formation of hemoglobin. There for almond is used as a food remedy for anemic condition.
Growth of cancer cell:
Potential health benefits, which have not been scientifically validated, include improved complexion and possibly a lower risk of cancer. Observational studies and clinical studies including almonds, is associated with an enhancement in antioxidant defense and a reduction in the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Scientifically proved that, many nutrients present in almonds have positive effects on several different types of cancer. Some other researches proved that phytochemicals present in the almonds have the ability to inhibit the uncontrolled growth of cells and also inhibit the growth of tumor cells.
Pharmaceutical preparations for respiratory problems:
Pharmaceutically almond is used to making emulsion which is useful for bronchial diseases, hoarseness and tickling cough. The emulsion is prepared by pounding the nuts and mixing the powder kernel with orange or lemon juice. A teaspoonful of oil is given with ten drops of freshly prepared ginger juice is used for astma, bronchitis and woophing cough.
 Formation of gallstones:
One ounce or two tablespoonful nut butter or hands full of almond prevent gallstones in gallbladder.
Skin disorders:
Almonds are used in different skin disorders like eczema, for this wild almond leaves are pulverized in water and the cream so prepared is affected to the applied part, which can cure these kind of disorders. Almonds are beneficial in treating pimples in faces. In case of inflammatory condition of the skin, the external application of almond oil will cure the pain and cool the heat.
Beauty tips:
Paste of almond with milk cream and fresh rose bud’s paste applied daily over the face is a very effective natural beauty aid. It softens and bleaches the skin and nourishes it with choicest skin food. Its regular application prevents early appearance of wrinkles, dryness of skin, dark spots, pimples and keeps the face fresh.
We can conclude that nuts like almonds are very good for diabetic conditions, pregnant women and heart patients. It has different properties like lowering the LDL cholesterol and maintains glucose level in blood serum. It can prevent anemic condition and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. By all these reasons we can conclude that including almonds in the diet make heart and human body healthy.

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